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Ao longo dos anos, o tratamento contabilístico do goodwill sofreu várias alterações. Em 2015 esta matéria viu a sua última alteração ser definida pelo Decreto-Lei (DL) n.º 98/2015, de 2 de junho, que procedeu à transposição da Diretiva 2013/34/UE do Parlamento Europeu e do Conselho, de 26 de junho de 2013. Esta diretiva veio definir que o goodwill passa, a partir de 1 de janeiro de 2016, a ser sujeito ao reconhecimento de amortizações anuais, sendo as perdas por imparidade reconhecidas apenas quando houver indícios da sua existência. O objetivo deste trabalho consiste em analisar o impacto que a alteração normativa no tratamento do goodwill tem nos resultados e nos indicadores económico-financeiros de grandes empresas portuguesas. Para tal, efetuamos uma análise quantitativa e qualitativa aos valores constantes das demonstrações financeiras, retirados da SABI - Sistema de Análise de Balanços Ibéricos, de 195 grandes empresas portuguesas no período 2014-2017. Os resultados permitiram concluir que o goodwill é sempre facilmente associado à discricionariedade dos gestores. A alteração no tratamento do goodwill mostrou-se influente nos resultados e na estrutura de balanço das grandes empresas, embora não tenha sido relevante a alteração no valor do goodwill no período analisado. Os indicadores económico-financeiros não se apresentaram influenciados por esta alteração. Poderá ser precisamente o objetivo dos gestores, ao decidirem sobre a vida útil do goodwill ou sobre a eventual existência de perdas por imparidade, a estabilidade da imagem económico-financeira da empresa, verificando-se, por isso, a continuação da facilidade de gestão dos resultados associada a esta temática, continuando a considerar-se esta rubrica pouco confiável e fidedigna. Este estudo procura ser uma contribuição para a literatura sobre o tema para que se continue a estudar uma componente muito significativa das empresas, porque a maioria das vezes tem valores muito assinaláveis, mas que é das que mais subjetividade tem subjacente quer no seu reconhecimento quer, especialmente, na sua mensuração.




Francisco, Isabel Margarida Salgado

Os impactos dos fundos comunitários Europeus no desenvolvimento do turismo

O presente estudo tem como principal objetivo analisar a situação económica e nanceiramente o setor do turismo da região Norte de Portugal (NUT II), relacionando a sua competitividade e inovação a indicadores de crescimento, através de uma análise comparativa das empresas ativas no período de 2006 2016. Esta análise foi desenvolvida com base na Informação Empresarial Simpli cada (IES) do Sistema de Balanços Ibéricos (SABI), procedeu-se à análise e tratamento dos indicadores econ ómicos e nanceiros referentes a 11 611 empresas ativas. Para além disso, pretendeu-se investigar em concreto as empresas localizadas na região nanciadas pelo Sistema de Incentivo à Inovação alocado ao campo da competitividade e inovação no âmbito do Quadro de Referência Estratégica Nacional (QREN), através da aplicação de uma metodologia de análise contra factual. Podemos concluir a existência de uma relação direta entre os nove indicadores analisados (VN, ROA, VAB, PAT, LQD, AF, SOLV, END e o EBE), sendo que a grande maioria dos indicadores apresentaram taxas de crescimento negativas superiores a 35%, não apresentado qualquer vantagem competitiva, inovadora ou produtiva para as empresas. Comprovamos ainda a existência de uma relação direta de causa-efeito entre o recebimento do incentivo e os fatores de competitividade, concretamente, existe uma relação positiva em termos produtivos, por outro lado existe também uma relação negativa em termos nanceiros.




Lopes, Carlos Costa, Vânia

Em direção ao movimento Slow City: planejamento público coletivo na sustentabilidade de um pequeno município brasileiro

Partindo do pressuposto que o movimento Slow City representa uma alternativa na mitigação de problemas socioambientais contemporâneos, o presente estudo aborda a gestão do território de forma compartilhada como proposta promissora de sustentabilidade. Seu objetivo é analisar o processo de planejamento para a mobilização dos diferentes atores sociais de um pequeno município brasileiro para os fins de qualificá-lo na filosofia Slow City. Desta forma, evidencia-se uma abordagem de planejamento socialmente construído com impacto na governança local. Neste caso, as noções de planejamento público, sustentabilidade e Slow City são revisadas e um estudo de caso foi aplicado. Por meio da pesquisa-ação os procedimentos de coleta de dados envolveram observações de campo, entrevistas, além de análise temática. Como principais resultados, ressalta-se o papel das instituições, técnicos, comunidade científica e população em transformação num esforço coletivo na articulação de um planejamento público inspirado no método de Planejamento Estratégico Situacional (PES). Concluiu-se que a utilização deste método ampliou as possibilidades do município em planejar suas ações a fim de se especializar como uma Slow City. Também possibilitou o maior envolvimento dos cidadãos, sobretudo, no que tange ao levantamento das informações necessárias para a elaboração de diagnósticos e na proposição de ações e compromissos futuros a serem assumidos pela cidade, como a questão da sustentabilidade e da resolução de problemas ambientais severos que assombram o entorno da comunidade local.




Fraga, Brendow de Oliveira Emmendoerfer, Magnus Costa, Vânia Neto, Alcielis Junior, Alessandro

Perceção e atitude da comunidade local do Norte de Portugal face ao mercado e turismo LGBT

O turismo LGBT tem suscitado um crescente interesse de empresas e destinos turísticos. Os destinos que pretendam atrair o mercado LGBT têm de estar cientes que uma legislação moderna em igualdade de direitos, a aceitação, respeito, não discriminação e o acolhimento por parte da comunidade local são fatores vitais para serem bem-sucedidos (WTO, 2017). Nesse contexto, o presente estudo tem como foco central a análise das atitudes e perceção da comunidade local da região Norte de Portugal para com o turismo/mercado LGBT. Com recurso a um inquérito por questionário online, aplicado entre os meses de março e setembro de 2019 aos residentes da região Norte de Portugal, foi possível apurar que, em geral, a comunidade local do Norte de Portugal é percecionada como bastante hospitaleira sendo que, todavia, ainda subsiste alguma relutância e discriminação em relação à orientação sexual e identidade de género.




Silva, Sónia Vareiro, Laurentina

A experiência memorável do consumidor em hotéis de luxo: O caso do Hotel Le Monumental Palace

Numa era de elevada competitividade no setor hoteleiro, os hotéis encontram-se cada vez mais conscientes da necessidade de criarem valor para os seus hóspedes através de experiências. Esta realidade tem vindo a afetar particularmente o segmento de luxo, na medida em que os hotéis surgem como o elemento fundamental para proporcionar a melhor experiência possível, durante a estadia do cliente. Com o objetivo de analisar o impacto gerado pelas dimensões Ambiental e Humana na experiência final do hóspede, foi adotada uma metodologia qualitativa, baseada na análise de 40 comentários escritos pelos hóspedes nas plataformas Booking e TripAdvisor, e na realização de quatro entrevistas presenciais a colaboradores do hotel Le Monumental Palace e ao seu designer. Os resultados sugerem que as dimensões consideradas assumem um papel preponderante na experiência do cliente de luxo. A nível Ambiental são valorizados aspetos como o conforto, a história e a qualidade das instalações, e a nível da Interação Humana é muito valorizada a atitude e o serviço proativo dos colaboradores. As conclusões obtidas salientam a maior relevância da dimensão Humana na diferenciação de um serviço de luxo, decorrente da importância das equipas e da sua capacidade para criar um relacionamento emocional com o cliente.




Gonçalves, Rita Martins, Isabel Vareiro, Laurentina

O papel do live marketing e marketing sensorial no evento Rock In Rio Brasil 2017 sob a ótica da oferta dos stakeholders e a dinâmica do destino turístico

Grande parte das experiências e das perceções humanas são, inicialmente, adquiridas através dos sentidos e de estímulos sensoriais (os quais influenciam o processo de tomada de decisão do consumidor). Por conseguinte, o marketing sensorial surge como uma nova ferramenta estratégica, através da estimulação dos cinco sentidos humanos (tato, paladar, visão, audição e olfato). O marketing sensorial pretende melhorar os resultados das empresas e a experiência com o consumidor (aumentar lucros a curto prazo e criando vínculos com os clientes. Numa perspetiva turística, tem-se como objetivo deste manuscrito, apresentar o papel do live marketing e do marketing sensorial no evento Rock in Rio Brasil 2017, sob a ótica da oferta dos stakeholders e a dinâmica do destino turístico Rio de Janeiro. Através de um estudo qualitativo, foi realizada uma visita (in loco) ao evento no ano 2017 (observação direta do fenómeno em estudo). Numa perspetiva interdisciplinar, o presente manuscrito apresenta inputs para o marketing, para o turismo e para a gestão de eventos.




Machado, Annaelise Sousa, Bruno Figueira, Victor Vareiro, Laurentina

Developing a Commercial Ethics Framework for Analysing Marketing Campaigns

This study integrates the relationship of business ethics in marketing campaigns and the importance of the repercussion on organizational performance with the aim of creating a guide of business ethics in marketing campaigns for small and medium enterprises (SMEs). This guide allows SMEs to analyse their ethical dimension as well as to raise awareness and instill commercial ethics actions in the marketing campaign common practices in organisations. The qualitative methodology has been applied, and the proposed theoretical model uses a set of dimensions of ethics, commercial ethics, codes of conduct, marketing, and marketing campaigns to analyse the relationship of commercial ethics with marketing campaigns and its influence on organisations. The result demonstrates the influence of commercial ethics on advertising actions that, when applied positively, enable and promote the brand image, thus contributing to the organizational performance.




Santos, Vasco Vitorino, Tiago Dias, Álvaro Martinho, Domingos Sousa, Bruno

Feasibility and Accuracy of Automated Three-Dimensional Echocardiographic Analysis of Left Atrial Appendage for Transcatheter Closure

Background: Procedural success of transcatheter left atrial appendage closure (LAAC) is dependent on correct device selection. Three-dimensional transesophageal echocardiography (3DTEE) is more accurate than the two-dimensional (2D) modality for evaluation of the complex anatomy of LAA. However, 3D-TEE analysis of LAA is challenging and highly expertise dependent. In this study, we sought to evaluate the feasibility and accuracy of a novel software tool for automated 3D analysis of the LAA using 3D-TEE data. Methods: The intra-procedural 3D TEE data of 158 patients who underwent LAAC were retrospectively analyzed with a novel automated LAA analysis software tool. Based on the 3D TEE data, the software semi-automatically segmented the 3D LAA structure, determined the device landing zone (LZ), and generated measurements of the LZ dimensions and the LAA length, allowing manual editing if necessary. The accuracy of LAA pre-implantation anatomic measurement reproducibility, and time for analysis of the automated software were compared against expert manual 3D analysis. The software feasibility to predict the optimal device size was directly compared to implanted models. Results: Automated 3D analysis of the LAA on 3D-TEE was feasible in all patients. There were excellent agreements between automated and manual measurements of LZ maximal diameter (bias:-0.32, LOA:-3.56; 2.92), area-derived mean diameter (bias:-0.24, LOA:-3.12, 2.64), and LAA depth (bias:0.02, LOA:-3.14; 3.18). Automated 3D analysis, with manual editing if necessary, accurately identified the implanted device size in 90.5% of patients, outperforming 2DTEE (68.9%, p<0.01). The automated software showed results competitive against the manual analysis of 3D-TEE with higher intra- and inter-observer reproducibility and allowed quicker analysis (101.9±9.3s vs. 183.5±42.7s, p<0.001) compared to manual analysis.




Pedro, Morais Yiting, Fan Sandro, Queirós Jan, D'hooge Alex, Pui-Wai Lee João L., Vilaça

Virtual Tourism and Challenges in a Post-Pandemic Context

The role played by technologies of information and communication, ICT, has become increasingly important in the way of life of societies. As well as technologies to revolutionize or everyone’s way of life, it also brings a sense of alertness to match. This chapter aims to present a reflection on the importance of virtual tourism in the pandemic scenario (new coronavirus) and the main challenges in the post-pandemic period. The tourist sector must continue to communicate with clients in order to retain them. In this way, several companies choose to enter into a partnership with digital influencers, seeing that they are presented as a link between the company and the customers. From an interdisciplinary perspective, the chapter presents contributions to marketing, (virtual) tourism, and pandemic management.




Martins, Carla Ferreira, Ana Pereira, Catarina

Digital Detox, Trends, and Segmentation in Tourism

The chapter aims to demonstrate the growing importance of the concept of ‘digital detox’ as a segment of the tourism market to indicate the reasons and factors that encourage its demand, the diversity of establishments, the strategies employed by them, the limits, facilitating the adaptation to market conditions, and assisting in the development of marketing strategies that respond to customer needs. Through a content analysis of some research papers from the last 10 years and websites, as well as an interview with the founder from one of the establishments specialized in “disconnection with technologies” experiences, the “Offline House,” this study presents inputs on marketing (digital), tourism (niches), and consumer behavior.




Juncal, Beatriz Vides, Gabriela Matos, Pedro Sousa, Bruno

Value Analysis as a Mechanism to Reduce the Complexity of the Selection of the Resources System for Agile/Virtual Enterprises in the Context of Industry 4.0

The selection of the resources system (SRS) is an important element in the integration/project of Agile/Virtual Enterprises (A/V E) because its performance is dependent of this selection, and even of its creation. However, it remains a difficult matter to solve because is still a very complex and uncertain problem. We propose that using Value Analysis (VA) in the pre-selection of resources phase represents a significant improvement of the SRS process. The current literature fails to formally address the pre-selection phase and none of the resource selection models incorporate the resources value and its consequence in the complexity of the selection process. Whereby, ours developed model with VA constitutes an innovative approach towards greater sustainability in the configuration of A/V E in the context of Industry 4.0, where a massive interconnection among enterprises is expected and consequently the increase of the selection process complexity. After the construction of a demonstrator tool for a set of the problem formulations, this paper verifies by computational results the thesis regarding the benefits of applying VA to the SRS process: VA reduces the complexity of the SRS process, even ensuring that the final system of resources achieve higher quality/value grade.




Ávila, Paulo Pires, António M. Putnik, Goran D. Bastos, João Augusto S. Cruz-Cunha, Maria Manuela

Application of the Industry 4.0 Technologies to Mobile Learning and Health Education Apps

The so-called fourth industrial revolution brought a disruptive change in the way that communication technologies, distributed systems, intelligent data management, analytics and computational capability and other technologies are integrated to enable new functions and enhance capabilities not only to production systems, but also in many other domains such as education. Mobile Health (m-Health) education is one of these, where the number of applications and tools for m-Health education is extensive. The SARS-Cov2 (Covid-19) pandemic brought to life immense challenges towards education, technology, and the symbiosis with medicine. This paper introduces 31 of the current state-of-the-art m-Health education applications and analyses the results of an an inquiry to students and junior doctors during the confinement, designed to understanding their knowledge, use and trust regarding these apps. The results show that several applications are well perceived by their users and deserved their trust andconfirms a good relation between use and trust on the applications analysed. This analysis open doors to a deeper study to evaluate at which extent improving m-Health education means not only to transmit knowledge but also to developing skills and better practices.




Mateus-Coelho, Nuno Cruz-Cunha, Maria Manuela Ávila, Paulo

Scratch behavior of reinforced HDPE through molecular dynamics simulations

To better understand the tribological behavior of polymer-based materials under scratching, we studied the effect of including a second phase in the form of liquid-crystalline (LC) islands in an amorphous matrix emulating high-density polyethylene. We employ molecular dynamics computer simulations with a coarse-grain model. The effects of the indenter diameter and force magnitude on the tribological properties (scratch resistance) were evaluated. The LC islands have a significant effect on the scratching depth, more significantly from 10 to 20% than from 0 to 10% concentration, and that the influence of the second phase is more pronounced for larger indenters and lower forces.




Simoes, Ricardo Oliveira, Marta Yao, Jocelyn Tian, Chris Mirkhalaf, S.M. Brostow, Witold

Optimization of a Microfluidic Process to Encapsulate Isocyanate for Autoreactive and Ecological Adhesives

The present paper reports a continuous microfluidic approach for the preparation of microcapsules (MCs), by interfacial polymerization, with a polyurea/polyurethane (PUa/PU) shell containing isophorone diisocyanate (IPDI). The microfluidic system enables the formation of a monodisperse oil-in-water (O/W) emulsion by a separate flow of the reagents along the tubing system, which posteriorly meet at a cross-junction, resulting in the precise formation of one emulsion droplet at a time. The developed MCs are intended to be part of a new monocomponent, autoreactive and ecological adhesive, as cross-linking agents. Critical operational parameters in the microfluidic process were investigated, namely the flow rate of the emulsion phases, the cross-junction’s configuration and its correlation with the MCs’ morphology, average diameter, size distribution and amount of encapsulated isocyanate. The advances achieved in the current study represent a contribution to the development of new sustainable and eco-friendly products, where the employment of monodisperse MCs is an advantage.




Costa, Mariana Pinho, Isabel Loureiro, Monica Marques, Ana Simões, Carla Simoes, Ricardo

The expected impact of IFRS 16 leases: evidence from companies listed on the portuguese stock exchange

Purpose: The International Financial Reporting Standard (IFRS) 16 – Leases, is mandatory since January 2019, replacing the current standard International Accounting Standard (IAS) 17. This new standard requires the accounting of operating leases in the lessee’s balance sheet, recognizing a right-of-use asset and the corresponding liability. The aim of this paper is to analyze the potential effects of IFRS 16 on financial statements and their impacts on financial indicators, as well as the way in which the transition to the new standard will be made. Methodology: Content analysis of 2018 reports and accounts from a sample of Portuguese listed companies, in order to analyze the financial impact of capitalizing off-balance lease. In relation to the financial structure ratios analyzed, we have compared the values existing in 2018, before the adoption of IFRS 16, with those predicted after its adoption. Originality: This paper contributes to ongoing international debate and research concerning lease-accounting, by providing empirical evidence in our country, Portugal, where existing studies are still scarce. Findings: Our results allowed us to conclude that the majority of the companies in the sample (84%) will adopt the modified retrospective transition option, while the rest (16%) will adopt the full retrospective transition, in which case it is mandatory to re-express the comparative information. Regarding the impact of the new standard on the financial statements’ elements, we have concluded that assets and liabilities will increase, while equity will decrease, consequently affecting the balance sheet. Regarding the income statement, the results reveal the decrease in supplies and external services, which will allow an increase in EBITDA. On the other hand, there is an increase in financial and amortization/depreciation expenses. After comparing the financial indicators, between 2017 and 2018, it is expected that the debt ratio will increase, while the financial autonomy and solvency ratios will decrease. We have confirmed that the sector of activity most affected by IFRS 16 will be the retail sector and that the sector of basic resources is the one that will experience the least impact. Practical implications: The capitalization of lease accounting has implications on levels of indebtedness and performance measures. The lease-accounting regulatory change can affect the investors decisions and the managers’ behavior, concerning the financing decisions and earning management. This paper findings can help lessors, preparers and analysts to understand the expected impact of the implementation of IFRS 16.




Lima, Jéssica Lemos, Kátia Monteiro, Sónia Ribeiro, Verónica Lemos, Kátia

Compliance with DL 89/17 related to mandatory non- financial reporting: evidence from companies listed on the portuguese stock exchange

The Directive 2014/95 EU, 22 October 2014, on disclosure of non-financial information, marks the beginning of a new stage in reporting of companies in the European Union (EU). This directive was transposed to Portugal through the Decree-Law No. 89/2017, of 28th July. This legislation establishes that large public interest companies, with more than 500 employees, must present annually, and since the 2017 financial year, a non-financial statement, included in the management report or presented in a separate report. The aim of this paper to analyse the publication of non-financial information by Portuguese listed companies, seeking to assess the level of compliance with the DL 89/17. Methodology: Content analysis of the management reports, accounts and sustainability reports, relative to the 2017 period. To assess the level of compliance with the Portuguese diploma, we have developed a disclosure index, built on mandatory disclosure requirements provided for in DL No. 89/2017. Originality: This paper contributes to European research in the field of non-financial reporting by providing empirical evidence in our country, Portugal, where existing studies are still scarce. Findings: We have found the following types of non-financial reporting: the use of own/separate report (in 37.5% of the sample) or the inclusion of information in the report and accounts (in 62.5% of the sample), with the majority presenting the information in a specific chapter. Regarding the compliance with DL 89/2017, we have concluded that the level of regulatory compliance is quite high, since the average disclosure index is around 0.875. The least disclosed items were the fight against corruption and bribery attempts, bodies diversity policies and human rights. Practical implications: The results obtained may contribute to the accounting regulatory bodies, with regard to potential enforcement mechanisms, in case of non-compliance with the diploma. They can also serve as a learning process for unlisted companies, or other types of companies not covered by the diploma, who are interested in implementing non-financial reporting practices.




Pereira, Lénia Lemos, Kátia Monteiro, Sónia Ribeiro, Verónica Lemos, Kátia


Purpose: This paper aims to study the influence of the characteristics of the board of directors and the supervisory board on the level of disclosure of information on derivative instruments in companies listed on Euronext Lisbon. Since it is understood that listed companies are the ones that use, with higher frequency, derivative instruments and also because the level of reporting in this type of companies is more rigorous. Methodology: Through a content analysis of the annual reports and accounts and based on a disclosure index, we analyze the information disclosed by companies listed on Euronext Lisbon, for the year 2017. The collected data were also defined and quantified using the statistical program Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS), using, for this purpose, linear regression models. Originality: This research is innovative because it studies, simultaneously, the influence of the characteristics of the board of directors and the supervisory board dissemination of information on derivative instruments, given that in the literature studies only cover the Board of Directors. Findings: The results show a negative association between the number of independent members of the board of directors and the level of disclosure on derivative instruments, indicating that the lower the number of independent members, the higher the level of information presented. Also, the control variables company size and return on assets are explanatory factors of derivatives’ disclosure level. The results also demonstrated the lack of an association between the characteristics of the supervisory board and the level of disclosure about derivative instruments. As in the previous model, in this model, only the control variable company size is a determining factor in the level of disclosure about derivative instruments, revealing that the larger the size of the company, the higher the level of disclosure about derivative instruments. Practical implications: This study contributes to a better understanding of the relationship between the disclosure of information on derivative instruments and the characteristics of the corporate governance model in Portugal, concerning the board of directors and the supervisory board. Research limitations: Small sample, given that companies listed on Euronext Lisbon are limited and the analysis period, which concerns only one accounting period.




Matins, Sofia Serra, Sara Lemos, Kátia

Assessment of the quality of the service perceived in specific contexts of management of a family business

The aim of this paper is to apply the SERVQUAL model to evaluate the quality perceived by customers in the context of family hotel management in Portugal. More specifically, to assess the influence of interpersonal relationships (service providers and customers) in family business services in the wine tourism segment (i.e. wine hotel and spa). In this way, it aims to provide data that can support this family hotel to reinforce the quality of the services provided to guests and therefore their satisfaction and loyalty.




Igreja, Carla Sousa, Bruno Silva, Tiago Veloso, Cláudia

Sustainable development goals reporting: evidence from Portuguese listed companies

No summary/description provided




Lemos, Kátia Monteiro, Sónia Ribeiro, Verónica

The determinants of non-financial reporting in Portuguese listed companies

The level of globalization presented in the 21st century generates in the companies an extremely complex and competitive business environment, requiring efforts to improve the information disclosed, to ensure a higher level of transparency and comparability between different countries. In this context, the Non-Financial Reporting Directive 2014/95 / EU as implemented, since 2017, the obligation for public interest companies with more than 500 employees to disclose information with a description of the business model, policies, risks, environmental and social performance, as well as measures for workers, respect for human rights, gender equality and the fight against corruption and bribery. This study assessed the degree of compliance with Decree-Law (DL) No. 89/2017, which transposed that directive to Portugal, by companies listed on Euronext Lisbon, through an analysis of the content of their management reports, accounts and sustainability reports, based on a disclosure index, built on eight mandatory disclosure items. Through a linear regression model, we have also identified the explanatory factors for the disclosure index of each entity. The results allow us to conclude that the degree of compliance with DL 89/2017 is quite high, since the average disclosure index is around 0.875. The least disclosed items were the fight against corruption and bribery attempts, bodies diversity policies and human rights. From the linear regression model we have concluded that only the size of the company and the type of report are statistically significant factors, explaining 30.40% of the value obtained in the disclosure index.




Pereira, Lénia Lemos, Kátia Monteiro, Sónia Ribeiro, Verónica