Repositório RCAAP
Imaginaires de guerre et autres conflits
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Álvares, Cristina Araújo, Sílvia Auroy, Vanessa Bayindir Goularas, Gökçe Betül Nuhoğlu, Ayşe Bléton, Paul Blé Kain, Arsène Boudart, Laurence Chifflet, Stéphanie Cousin de Ravel, Agnès Dhennin, Chantal Dijoux, Mathieu Gassin, Alexia Gomot, Guillaume Keating, Maria Eduarda Langlet, Irène Montrésor, Pascale Quaghebeur, Marc Santos, Maria do Rosário Girão Ribeiro dos Silva, Marie-Manuelle da Varela, Maria da Conceição Voegele, Augustin Wicky, Olivier
Combinatorial problems over logical matrices in logic design and artificial intelligence
Logic design and artificial intelligence constitute a rich source of hard combinatorial problems which can be formulated in terms of logical matrices. Research into their classification and working out practically efficient solving algorithms were started in early sixties at the Tomsk University and the Siberian Physiko-Tekhnical Institute and developed later in the Institute of Engineering Cybernetics of the Academy of Sciences of Belarus. A brief review of obtained results is presented in this paper.
O ensino de informática em licenciaturas de ciências e tecnologia
The paper reflects the cumulative experience of lecturing the discipline Introdução à Informática. After a brief overview of the rationale and programme of the discipline, statistics concerning the absenteeism and approval rates will be presented.
Rocha, Nelson Pacheco da Oliveira, José Luís
An introductory course on visualization: a proposal
A Visualization course designed to be offered as an elective in the MSc degree on Electronics and Telecommunications at the University of Aveiro is proposed. Its curriculum and bibliography are presented.
Assessing the quality of visualizations produced using volume rendering: experiments with a ray caster
A set of parameters to assess the objective quality of visualizations of a voxel based data set, producedusing a ray caster, is proposed as a first step toward the evaluation of the overall quality of these visualizations. Results obtained using synthetic data and a simple implementation of a ray caster are presented. The final goal of this evaluation will be the computation of “confidence indices” that could offer the user a “guided visualization”, i.e. allow him/her to decide what are the best visualizations of a data set.
Santos, Beatriz Sousa Nunes, José Coimbra, Carlos Ferreira, Carlos Tomé, Ana Maria Lau, Nuno
Sistema de codificação de voz de alta qualidade com banco de filtros
This paper describes a high quality speech coding system based in the ITU Recommendation G.722 “7 kHzaudio coding within 64 kbit/s”. Provides a high-level description of the recommended algorithm and a briefdiscussion about the arithmetical choices, which have been made. Some performance results are provided.
Fernandez, Elizabeth Silva, Luís Nuno Rodrigues, João Tomé, Ana Maria Vaz, Francisco
Simulador de tráfego para redes móveis via satélite
In the first part of the paper some mobile satellite communication systems proposed by various entities arebriefly presented, some channel allocation techniques described and the problem caused by handovers in ICO and LEO type constellations is discussed. Afterwards the developed traffic simulator is presented along with various simulation results for a LEO and an ICO type constellation. The simulator permits the calculation of satellite traffic at footprint and/or spotbeam level in various instances of the satellite’s trajectory.
Tavares, Pedro Ferreira, José Dinis, Manuel
Redes Ethernet: de 1 Mbit a 1 Gbit
Nowadays, around 80% of local area networks are Ethernet based. However, aside from all the criticismover Ethernet technology, the market share does not tend to decrease. The growth of transmission speed, introduced with Fast Ethernet and, more recently, with Gigabit Ethernet, keeps the technology up to date, in despite of some limitations introduced by the compatibility with previous standards.
Lopes, Rui Pedro Oliveira, José Luís
A palmtop based modular distributed architecture for vocational integration of intellectually disabled people
This paper reports briefly on the modular and distributed architecture adopted for the development andimplementation of a system prototype based on a palmtop computer, aiming the support of complex task routines performed by people with severe intellectual disabilities. In particular, modularity of the adopted solution and the wireless communication protocol are shortly described, together with their interrelation with the functional specification of the project. This work is part of the European project VICAID (Vocational Integration through Computer Assistance for Intellectually Disabled People).
Cunha, Bernardo Rocha, Nelson Pacheco da
Segurança em redes de comunicação
This paper aims to present the risks associated with the use of distributed computing environments and withthe access to information systems, identifying the solutions currently available that could minimise them. At the end, some cases of study are presented, using real security implementations adopted by Universidade de Aveiro (UA).
Cozinheiro, Fernando António D. F. Rocha, Nelson Pacheco da
Sistema integrado para análise e classificação automática do electroencefalograma do sono
In this paper we describe a system for automatic all night analysis of sleep, based on neural networks. Thesystem consists of a three step analysis. The first step is the recognition of elementary patterns in EEG (delta, alpha, spindle and K complex waves), EOG and EMG, and spectral analysis for background activity. The second step is the determination of sleep stages based on these parameters. Automatic sleep scoring was performed using a multilayer feedforward network. The last step, is the supervision of the automatic decision using ambiguity rejection and coherence analysis. This work presents also, an automated system for micro arousals detection based on k-means method. The system was validated with a data set including 8 recordings (20 h). Overall agreement between the computer and human judges indicates considerable reliability of the system.
Pacheco, Osvaldo Vaz, Francisco
Simulação em VHDL de máquinas de estados finitas hierárquicas
This paper discusses the VHDL simulation of Hierarchical Finite State Machines. It presentes the resultsobtained with the simulation of the model described in [1], introduces a new model and shows its advantages. Both Moore and Mealy machines are being considered. The considered model provides such new facilities as flexibility, extensibility and reuse of an algorithm described by Hierarchical Graph-Schemes.
Rocha, António Adrego da Sklyarov, Valery
Estudo e desenvolvimento da subcamada MAC da rede de área local sem fios IEEE802.11
The fast evolution of mobile computing equipment and the consequent raising mobility requirements has been the major drive of research in Wireless Local Area Networks. WLANs distinguishes from cabled networks at physical layer and MAC layer. This paper focus aspects of both layers: it presents transmissions technologies and discusses the requirements of a MAC (Medium Access Control) protocol to be used in this networks. IEEE802.11 protocol is described and its development and implementation is presented. This works has been carried on under scope of the european project ESPRIT.6892 - POWER (Portable Workstation for Education in Europe).
Couto, Paula Valadas, Rui Duarte, A. M. de Oliveira
Design of a communication and shared memory management unit
In this paper we present an overview of the architecture, the design process and the main properties of a communication and shared memory management unit for a MIMD type multiprocessor mesh. The circuit has been completely specified and was later designed as a standard cell ASIC based on ES21 ECPD10 library of cells, for a N-Well CMOS m process. The CAD framework used was Cadence Edge (ES2 SOLO 203
Ferreira, Joaquim Castro Borges, António Rui
A review on edge detection based on filtering and differentiation
In this paper we address the issue of edge detection in digital images using linear filtering and differentiation.Our main objective was to join, and in some sense unify, a significant part of the techniques that fall into this paradigm. First, we focus on the question of two-dimensional differentiation and the problems associated with its application in the discrete spatial domain. Afterwards, we review some of the most commonly used filtering techniques for edge detection.
Pinho, Armando J. Almeida, Luís B.
Sobre o efeito de carga da sonda em medições com linha ranhurada
In this paper the errors caused by probe loading in reflection coefficient measurements using slotted line isquantified. A method based on the theory of conformal bilinear transforms is introduced. It allows the calculation of load reflection coefficient amplitude and phase measurement errors as well as a visual inspection of the interaction between the measuring system and the probe by plotting the full reflection coefficient in a Smith Chart. A few experimental guidelines are suggested to minimise this errors.
Modelização de pequenos robots autónomos: um exemplo
In the last two years the University of Aveiro has participated in the Mobile Robotics International Championship in France. In this championship the robots have to autonomously follow a line among other tasks. In order to improve the performance of our participation a mathematical model has been developed that allows, through the use of simulation, to identify problems related to the stability or controlability of the robot as well as to test possible solutions before the robot is actually built. In this paper the referred mathematical model is presented as well as an implementation of a simulator based on such model using MATLAB. A case sudy is also presented.
An implementation of the Klatt speech synthesiser
In this work it is described a software tool implementing the Klatt synthesiser to be used on a teaching laboratory. The user interface allows an easy edition of the synthesis parameters, thus the student may quick and easily change the phonetic characteristics of a vowel and listen to the result or seeing its time or frequency properties.
Jesus, Luis Miguel Teixeira de Vaz, Francisco Principe, José Carlos
Sistemas de comunicação com amplificação óptica
Analytical models for evaluation of optical amplifiers, namely EDFA, on communications systerns are developed. Particular aspects like opical gain, ASE noise and saturated operation are given special attention. Development of a new moment generation function for the electrical decision current is reported.The model is now abLe to deal with the main stochastic processes ocurring on a digital optical receiver: optical noise, inter-symbol interference and also electricalnoise. The model is validated through comparison with loiig-established analytical expressions for particular cases and simulation. Finally the realisation and characterisation of an EDFA amplifier to serve as a 20 Gbps receiver preamplifier is also reported.
NAVBOT: autonomous robotic agent with neural learning of autonomous mapping and navigation strategies
Neste trabalho, foi realizada uma implementação dum agente robótico autónomo minimalista com capacidades de navegação avançadas, as quais dependem em arquitecturas especializadas com base em redes neuronais artificiais. Pretendesemostrar que uma plataforma robótica comparativamente simples e dotada de componentes baratos é capaz de realizar tarefas complexas de navegação, tais como dead-reckorging (intuição espacial), circunscrição de pistas visuais e correspondente discriminação / reconhecimento, bem como a construção eficiente de mapas e seu uso para navegações futuras com a tomada de atalhos e voltas. São usados shaft-encoders para a implementação de uma bússola interna grosseira, bem como sensores de infravermelhos para a detecção e circunscrição de objectos. As redes neuronais utilizadas incorporam informação espacial bem como temporal. Antes de realizar a implementação filial, foi realizada unia pesquisa bibliográfica inicial, a qual permitiu saber o que existe de actual neste campo da navegação em agentes autónomos.