Repositório RCAAP

User interface for a dentist office management tool

In this paper the prototype of a user interface for a dentist office management tool is described. Accordingly to the rules of the human-computer software interface design, as a first step, the study of the needs and the profile of thepossible users was performed. Using the results of this study a prototype was developed, consisting basically on three tightly linked environments: the Agenda, the Patients’ data base and the Examination module. This prototype wasdeveloped on a Windows platform using Visual BasicTM.




De Francesco, Silvia Barreto, Carlos Loff Santos, Beatriz Sousa Rafael, José Alberto

Monitorização de pressão arterial

In this paper, we describe an arterial pressure monitoring system. The system, based on personal computer, adquires, processes and display the signals and results envolved on particular medical procedure. The system requirements were specified with the cooperation of the medical staff. The system’s software was developed using object programing techniques.




Fernandes, João Martins, João Oliveira, José Manuel Tomé, Ana Maria

The simulation of systolic array implementation schemes for Hopfield neural nets

The paper describes the simulation of systolic array schemes for Hopield nets. The implementation presented is based on completely digital circuits. Input data is passed through the neurones in a time shared basis, weights are stored in digital shift registers and no separate threshold detectors are used. The simulation was realised using EASE/VHDL ver. 2.2 and V-System/Windows ver. 4.




Mazurkiewicz, Jacek

Implementação de um sistema de codificação RELP para fins didáticos

In this work we implemented a RELP speech coder. This type of coder is well known and presents medium complexity. It is useful to study because it includes different signal processing techniques that are used in more modern and efficient speech coders. Special attention was given to the user’s interface enabling a simple way to change the coding parameters and an easy display of the signals in different stages of the coding process. The system was implemented using Matlab running on MSWindows.




Neto, Carlos Silva, Carlos Vaz, Francisco

Establish the pulmonary artery blood velocity using first pass scintigraphic images

A new methodology to compute the pulmonary artery blood velocity using first pass scintigraphic images is presented. This project final goal, is the establishment of one correlation between pulmonary artery blood velocity and Pulmonary Hiperpressure. After a short approach about this pathology and the first pass images, the developed methodology is presented, as well the results obtained with one physical model and one real exam.




Saro, J. P. Rafael, J. A. Lima, J. P. Botelho, M. F.

Volume rendering based on oblique projections

This paper introduces a new method for visualizationof voxel represented data based on oblique projections. Instead of the traditional approach in which objects are rotatedand then orthogonally projected, we investigated the possibilityof using oblique projections to view an object under multipledifferent viewing positions with a speed advantage. Weprove that oblique projections will lead to the same surfacethat is rendered when an object is rotated in 3-D space aboutZ- and X- axes followed by orthogonal projection. Moroever,when desired, the oblique distortion of the surface can be removed by a geometrical transformation of the final image. We will indicate how we can determine and exploit specific oblique projections with the property of mapping vertices of voxels exclusively on discrete coordinates in order to obtain very accurate rendering of surfaces.




Pauwels, Hubert W. J. Borst Mealha, Óscar Santos, Beatriz Sousa Nunes, José M. R.

Object-oriented graphics software for multimedia applications

This paper describes the development of a highlevel integrated environment for PCs with graphicsprogramming support. The development was carried out on the WindowsTM environment, with C++ language and multimedia tools. The result of this development was the creation of a graphic objects class with static and dynamic features and a graphic editor with graphic animation support (“MoveIt v1.0”).




Neves, Silvério Almeida, Luís

Palmtop based system for vocational integration of intellectually disabled people: preliminary definition

VICAID (Vocational Integration through Computer Assistance for Intellectually Disabled People) is a project within the TIDE programme (Technology Initiative for Disabled and Elderly People) that aims to develop and evaluate a palmtop based system to support people with severe intellectual disabilities to perform complex work routines in integrated work settings. The development of the system will be based in a reference model, which should consider the interrelationships between human factors and technical constraints and possibilities. This paper presents and analyses the set of requirements that is being used for the definition of the reference model.




Rocha, Nelson Pacheco da Cunha, Bernardo Lancioni, Giulio O'Reilly, Mark Montgomery, Anthony Seedhouse, Philip Furniss, Fred Morato, Pedro

ISDNLINK: an class library for ISDN

A generic program which uses ISDN is confronted with an API that implements the OSI layer lower protocols only. This paper describes a Windows 3.1x class library, that implements the high level services usually required in final applications, such as file and memory block transfer. A special attention was taken concerning the aspects related to the interface between this library and the client application, using mainly the event-method strategie, made easy by using C++ programming language, namely inheritance and virtual functions.Performance and flexibility were another focused aspects,as well as multitasking and background operation aspects.




Santos, Osvaldo A. Ramos, Fernando M. S.

Network adaptation project for broadband amplifiers

Este trabalho visa a descrição de um método de projecto de malhas de adaptação para amplificadores de banda larga, que conduzam a um ganho de transdução constante numa banda previamente definida.




Madureira, Raquel Castro Carvalho, Nuno Borges de Pedro, José Carlos

Data communication in home systems, using networks power (Power Line) and collective antenna collective (CATV)

This paper presents an overview of the most common networks used in Home Systems, Power Line and CATV (Collective Antenna Television). The main characteristics and rules for communicating in these networks are shown here. The development of a CATV modem is described. This modem will be used to perform the link between the flats and the manager of information of the building.




Antunes, José M. P. B. O. Mostardinha, Pedro M. M. Brazete, Sidónio M. Duarte, A. Manuel de Oliveira

Digital virtual neuroprocessor: design experience using Verilog HDL

This paper presents the design flow and the resulted experience in the development of a neural processor, using Verilog HDL. Describing the design steps toward the final system's description and simulationenvironment, provides a concrete illustration of the application of Verilog HDL features in the system's design testing, characterization and improvement, at the early stages of the project. The end-use neural computer's configuration comprises the Verilog HDL simulation environment as a fundamental tool for future neural software test and development.




Velez, Jorge Ferrari, António de Brito

Decision Support System on Covering Problems: definition and implementation of a user interface

This paper presents a user interface for a Decision Support System on Covering Problems (Set and Multiple)using multicriteria models. Since this system must be interactive and easy to use and learn, its interface wasdeveloped on a Windows platform, using Visual BasicTM 3.0.




Pinto, Salviano Filipe Santos, Beatriz Sousa Ferreira, Carlos Rafael, José Alberto

Ester Project: feasibility study of a type system for ground-based tele-remote sensing of forest fires

This article describes the objectives and strategies of this project, that is co-funded by JNICT/CNEFF. Themain purpose of this project is the feasibility study of the application in the remote detection of forest fires of a telesurveillance system previously developed for security applications. The project includes the setup of a laboratory demonstrator that will support the validation of the results of the studies.This paper describes the most significative aspects of the system and presents a set of results already achieved.




Ramos, Fernando Borrego, Carlos Baltazar, Sónia Miranda, Ana

Integration model of distributed applications and uncooperative

This paper describes a model that enables the development of distributed applications and provides an interface for a transparent integration of standalone packages. This model is presented in the context of a Network Management System scenario.




Lopes, Rui Pedro Esteves, António Miguel Oliveira, José Luís Martins, Joaquim Arnaldo

Development of applications for domotic systems using object oriented programming in C++

This paper describes the development of applications for domotic systems using object oriented programming in C++, made as a final project of Electronic Engineering graduation . During this work, was developed a communications system to link the apartments and make management of information on the building, using CATV network. The software that supports the communications and performs the management of information was done using object oriented programming for Windows with Borland C++ 4.02.




Vale, Henrique M. F. Duarte, José A. C. Brazete, Sidónio M. Duarte, A. Manuel de Oliveira

Electrónica e Telecomunicações

Revista do departamento de Electrónica e Telecomunicações da Universidade de Aveiro.




Universidade de Aveiro, DETI

User interface management systems for medical imaging

This paper is about using user interface principles in lhe development of Picture Archiving and Communication Sistems. A PACS user interface project is described, and a prototype developed using Microsoft Visual BasicTM is presented.




Dias, Gonçalo Paiva Rafael, José Alberto Santos, Beatriz Sousa

Object oriented programming applied to the simulation of neural networks

In this paper, we describe an object oriented representation that is useful for the programmable implementation of artificial neural networks. This representation is basically composed of severa1 base objects which achieve, every one of them, a different leve1 of representation. The main idea is based on a bottom-uprepresentation, where we implement objects that get moreand more global, containing other objects of an immediatelower hierarchical position. With all this, it is expected toachieve an incremental global representation which is easy tounderstand, imagine and program. We describe a globalneural system model, focusing the three essentialcharacteristics: topology, recall and train.




Kulzer, Pedro Branco, António Tomé, Ana Pinho, Armando

Simulation of a 100% analog neuron with current processing circuit

A 100% analog neuron, implementable in CMOS1.2pm technology, was designed and simulated. The neuronconsists of simple current processing circuits, right from thesynapses' inputs to the axon's output. Only the weight inputis in voltage form, to achieve the fastest possible response. The neuron has an adaptive firing threshold, as well as anautonomous, local, non-supervised learning circuit.




Kulzer, Pedro Branco, António Santos, Dinis