RCAAP Repository
O dever de respeito entre os cônjuges
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Fernandes, Ana Sofia Matos
The Threat of Derogations from International Human Rights Treaties to Democracies Worldwide
According to the International Human Rights Law, States can limit the application of human rights rules to preserve individual and collective interests, such as public health, for example. The COVID-19 pandemic and its exceptional circumstances made several States worldwide go further. They decided to derogate their obligations concerning international human rights rules, suspending their applicability inside these countries’ territories under the justification that it is part of the sanitary attempts to address the spread of the disease. This article intends to show that this decision allows States to skip their international responsibility to respect human rights instead of guaranteeing people’s most fundamental rights. The suspension effect brought by a derogation enlarges the power of governments to create policies and laws to contain the emergency. However, governments do not need to observe some international human rights limitations if the derogation lasts. As a result, it allows some States to use the public health emergency brought by the COVID-19 to legitimize abusive and discriminative legislation, which purpose is to persecute political opposition and restrict minorities’ rights, for example. Therefore, adopting derogations in situations in which a simple limitation would be sufficient allows national governments to put their responsibility to follow international human rights terms and conditions out of the way under the justification of combatting a health emergency.
Responsabilidade internacional dos Estados por epidemias e pandemias transnacionais: o caso da Covid-19 provinda da República Popular da China
O estudo investiga a possibilidade de responsabilização internacional dos Estados por epidemias ou pandemias transnacionais, em especial o caso da Covid-19 que teve início na República Popular da China. O artigo analisa os regulamentos sanitários internacionais conjuntamente à Constituição da Organização Mundial de Saúde, para o fim de verificar sua obrigatoriedade aos Estados-partes. Posteriormente, analisa a jurisprudência da Corte Internacional de Justiça e a possibilidade de demandar a China perante este tribunal internacional, por não ter informado a sociedade internacional em tempo hábil e acarretado a pandemia da Covid-19 no mundo.
de Oliveira Mazzuoli, Valério
Do âmbito de aplicação da Carta dos Direitos Fundamentais da União Europeia: em que situações estão os Estados-membros vinculados às suas disposições?
Desde muito cedo que os direitos fundamentais foram protegidos na União Europeia. Atendendo à vastidão de domínios cobertos pelas suas atribuições, outra coisa não podia ser. Nesse contexto, a CDFUE constitui um importante marco na evolução da protecção daqueles direitos, incidindo sobre os Estados-Membros o dever explícito de fazer cumprir os direitos e princípios que dela decorrem. Nos seus próprios termos, têm eles o dever de os respeitar, promover e observar sempre que uma qualquer situação ocorra no âmbito do direito da UE. Ora, dado que a legislação da União Europeia se aplica a nível nacional e que a elaboração das políticas internas incontornavelmente sofre a sua influência, e, uma vez que a Carta vincula os Estados-Membros «apenas quando apliquem o direito da União», este trabalho pretende determinar qual o seu real âmbito de aplicação. Nesse sentido, a jurisprudência do TJUE desempenhou um papel central, estabelecendo limites à aplicação dos direitos fundamentais reconhecidos pela Carta. Assim sendo, este trabalho traduz-se numa reflexão sobre se o TJUE estará a expandir ou a restringir o seu real alcance de protecção. Em Março de 2021, recebemos um convite para leccionar uma aula aberta no âmbito do curso de mestrado em Direito Europeu e Comparado, da Universidade Portucalense do Porto, em concreto na disciplina de Direito Público Europeu, e o tema que propusemos foi uma reflexão sobre o âmbito de aplicação deste específico instrumento de protecção de direitos fundamentais. O texto que se segue serviu de suporte à nossa apresentação, ficando necessariamente aquém de toda a jurisprudência apresentada na sua lecionação.
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Tear feature extraction with spatial analysis: a thangka case study
This paper on Conservation of Cultural Heritage explores the use of spatial analysis functions for feature extraction. The study evaluates the performance of neighbourhood functions for the delimitation of a tear in a thangka painting. The pathology area was documented with a non-conventional technique in painting conservation.
Henriques, Frederico Gonçalves, Alexandre Bailão, Ana
Colecção Manuel de Brito Inventário e conservação. Problemas e perspectivas
Our master thesis carried out in the Portuguese Catholic University about conservation and painting techniques came to light from our intention of developing a project in the area of modern and contemporary art. Nowdays, museums consider the documentation and registration of artwork a useful tool towards its conservation and safety. The Manuel Brito painting collection managed by Centro de Arte in Algés is a very important one in the context of Portuguese contemporary art. Our main objective was to give a contribution in order its safeguard considering the possibility of an applied research. Accordingly, we made the collection’s inventory and the evaluation of its conservation condition.
The biochemistry and artistic studies: a novel integrated approach to the identification of proteinaceous binders in polychrome artifacts
The paper proposes a novel, integrated approach to the identification and quantification of the organic binders, mainly proteinaceous, as the “invisible” component of polychrome layers in artifacts belonging to movable and immovable cultural heritage. The analytical methodology discussed here will demonstrate the significance and efficiency of biochemical assays for the detection of organic binders and how these tests can improve/complement the already existing techniques, while considering also the costs and time of analysis that commonly limit their application in the current laboratory practice for artworks diagnosis.
Sandu, Irina Crina Anca Roque, Ana Cecília A. Kučková, Štěpánka Schäfer, Stephan Carreira, Ricardo J.
Conservação e restauro de um objecto histórico: a Galeota Real de D. João VI
The displacement of the Royal Portuguese family to Brazil in 1808 became a significant event responsible for a deep change in the Portuguese colony way of living. The vessel Galeota Real, property of King D. João VI of Portugal, also known as Galeota Imperial, was a gift to the King just to be used exclusively on royal ceremonies. An intervention of conservation and restoration of all its elements in gilded carved wood was carried out. This work aimed to return the unity and the magnificence already lost, as a result of time passage and previous restorations. The intervention made possible the acquisition of relevant knowledge on original and historical manufacturing artistic techniques.
“Cristo Ressuscitado”: a redescoberta de uma pintura
Some of the most representative Portuguese monuments with painting collections dating from the XV and XVI centuries are located in the municipality of Tarouca, in Viseu district, south region of Douro valley. One of the most important specimen is the wall painting of Ressureição, in the arcosolium of São Pedro de Tarouca Parochial´s church. This wallpainting stands out by its singularity and rarity, since there is only a few specimens in the region chronologically related. A laboratorial approach was conducted, simultaneously, with the conservation and restoration work. The intervention brought to light unknown aspects of this artwork, namely its Mannerist style, hidden by a total repainting. Some aspects of its chronological and stylistic contexts are discussed, as well the materials employed (pigments – Naples yellow). Accordingly, the analytical conclusions, the methodological details and the iconographic changes are also presented.
Bidarra, Ana Roçado, Carla Antunes, Pedro Coroado, João
Porque se destroem e substituem obras de arte? Três exemplos da época moderna, em S. Torcato, Porto e Amarante
Along the 16th century altar pieces and wooden structures arose at churches in Foz do Douro, S. Torcato and Amarante. There structures were often substituted, transformed or simply destroyed.
Entre a tradição e a modernidade: os pigmentos ao dispor dos artistas e o conhecimento sobre esses materiais em Portugal no início do século XX
In this paper some notes are presented in a dictionary format about composition of pigments applied in painting and their actual equivalence. These manuscripts were probably written in the 1920’s and their non-identified author had considerable experience in pigments’ preparation and also solid chemistry knowledge. The dictionary presents 150 entries and aims to become a useful tool for the interpretation of pigments references in documental sources from this time. Besides it allows identifying the pigments a conservator-restorer may find while performing a conservation intervention on an early 20th century painting.
Radiografia in situ do Pentecostes do mosteiro de Santa Cruz de Coimbra: estudo técnico do suporte e sua relevância na história da conservação e restauro da pintura sobre madeira em Portugal
This study’s goal is to deepen the knowledge about techniques and materials applied in the execution of Portuguese wooden paintings. The Portuguese Catholic University of Oporto gathered a multidisciplinary team in order to study the Pentecost panel from Vasco Fernandes. This study was held in situ, in Santa Cruz de Coimbra Monastery and several techniques of analyses were applied: photographic examination under visible light, infra-red and ultra-violet photography, EDXRF and radiography. This last one allowed us to identify new information regarding both pictorial layer and wooden support, being the support our main concern. The relevance of the study of wooden Portuguese paintings is understandable due to the considerable knowledge gaps that still exist in this field.
O gestaltismo aplicado à reintegração cromática de pintura de cavalete
The Gestalt psychology was use by Cesare Brandi in the conservation and restoration, especially in the interpretation and treatment of the losses. This article let know the form psychology used by Brandi and explore the influence and the importance of the Perceptual Organization Laws in the interpretation of the losses, the selection of the chromatic techniques and therefore in the recognition of the same ones. As study case, was chosen the work “Resurrection of Lazarus”, a 16th painting of the Charola of the Convento de Cristo, in Tomar.
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Preserving contemporary painting: monochrome art and the flat colour surface
This investigation intends to present the specific problem that occurs in monochromaticart. It also is meant to address the difficulty in its conservation and restoration.Monochromatic Art is a delicate art since its creation. The aesthetic pleasure of mattesurfaces and the rough, unvarnished finishes are characteristic in converting thesemonochromatic pictures into rather fragile pieces.Due to this, the majority of deterioration will appear on the pictorial surface and this willaffect the overall appearance of the piece. Therefore, the restoration process could modifythe surfaces. That returns us to the principle conflict of monochromatic art: the easydeterioration of the artistic concept.
El Reto de la Regulación de la Inteligencia Artificial en el Sistema Judicial y su Entorno
El presente trabajo busca analizar la forma más adecuada de la reglamentación legal del proceso de implementación de la inteligencia artificial en la Administración de Justicia y su entorno. Para ello, examina el concepto de ecosistema de justicia y analiza las propuestas de regulación actualmente en curso en la Unión Europea, buscando establecer el marco jurídico adecuado a los efectos pretendidos, capaz de garantizar el respeto a los derechos fundamentales, especialmente el derecho a la tutela judicial efectiva y las exigencias del principio de legalidad.
Handling, packing and transport - risk assessment and care with painting on canvas, textiles and costumes
This article discusses some issues related to the preservative conservation of objects fromcategories of painting on canvas, textiles and costumes focusing on the proper care inhandling, packing and transport of them. More than a compilation of good practices, thisarticle aims to enhance awareness and warn all those who deal with these tasks and therepercussions that may arise when they are not properly executed.
The old Misericórdia church of Barcelos: architecture, painting, altar pieces and decorative arts
The Misericórdia of Barcelos is presently installed in the former convent of S. Francisco,to where it moved in 1836, after the dissolution of the religious orders held two yearsbefore. The former headquarters of the brotherhood were ceded to the Municipality andits church would be included in the New City Hall, begun in 1849. A recent architecturalintervention revealed the old church, and access to unpublished documentation, depositedin the archives of the confraternity, has enabled us to reconstruct some of the majorphases of its construction and execution of original paintings and altarpieces.